Singing Guide: Little Johnny Jones

Singing Guide: Little Johnny Jones

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Little Johnny Jones was a prominent figure in the early 1900s Broadway scene. Being a singer, songwriter, and tap dancer with a flock of followers, he had a unique style in his art that made him stand out.

If you'd like to learn how to sing like Little Johnny Jones, here are some tips to get started:

Vocal Technique

  • Little Johnny Jones was known for his impressive voice with a wide range. To achieve this, work on your breathing techniques with Singing Carrots' breathing exercises.
  • Another key aspect of Jones' voice was his use of vibrato. Check out this Singing with Vibrato article on our blog to learn more about how to add vibrato to your singing.
  • Jones was also an expert at switching between his chest and head voice, making his vocals sound dynamic. Here's an explanation of chest voice and vocal registers that can help you understand how to mix the two.
  • A good articulation is fundamental when singing, check our article on Articulation on how to pronounce clearly and extend the pronunciation of your phonemes.
  • Lasty, work on your diaphragm control and chest expansion to improve your sustain and breathing, you can use the Sustain Vocal video from our collection as a helpful tool in this area.


  • Jones had a particular love for upbeat and swing numbers. Try exploring Singing Carrots' search tool by vocal range, difficulty, and genre to find similar songs to practice.
  • Some song examples would be "Give My Regards To Broadway," "California, Here I Come," and "I Got Rhythm." By studying his music, you can get a good idea of his unique phrasing, rhythm, and vocal range. Our article on How to Learn a Song Effectively can also provide helpful tips.


  • If you're seeking more information on vocal techniques, vocal health, and singing tips, check out Singing Carrots' free singing course for beginners.
  • Use Singing Carrot's Vocal Range Test to determine your vocal range and compare it to that of Little Johnny Jones and many other singers.
  • Use Singing Carrot's Pitch Accuracy Test to improve your pitch accuracy, a fundamental skill for any singer.
  • Singing Carrot's Pitch Training game is a useful tool to develop pitch memory and agility.
  • Our Artist Vocal Ranges Tool allows you to discover the vocal ranges of more than 5000 famous singers, including Little Johnny Jones.

So now you have a lot of valuable resources to start learning how to sing like Little Johnny Jones. Remember, the key is consistency, commitment, and patience. Best of luck on your singing journey!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.